
5 American Priorities Which Must Not Be Delayed!

  In, nearly any circumstance, whether, related to a personal matter, any organization/ group, and/ or, regarding, public service issues, perhaps, nothing is, as risky/ dangerous, as procrastination, especially, when, well - considered, timely action is needed, and indicated! As difficult, as it becomes, in every circumstance, when it comes to national policies, agenda, actions, etc, it is even, more - so! Politicians, who seem, to put their perceived, personal/ political agenda, and/ or, self - interest, ahead of the greater good, often, use empty promises, rhetoric, etc, to stir, the fears and emotions/ prejudice, of their supporters, rather than serving, and representing, all! With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 American priorities, which must not, be delayed! 1.  The threats and ramifications of Climate Change:  We often witness, certain politicians, and elected officials, attempt to down - play, and den...